Mark Walter and St Leonards

I have left Brighton and moved along the coast to St Leonards. It has been an unsettled three months but I hope to be moving into my own place soon. It is exciting as St Leonards and Hastings have so much to offer. The Hastings Contemporary has developed a genuine local flavour and are supporting local artists. I plan to join the Hastings Arts Forum too

 This is called "That which remains the same rises from the dark" and is 80 x 60 and digital media.

I have recently met Helen Murphy and Nick Pelling, keen participants in the Hastings art scene and great writers, they are writing a piece about me that should be published soon. I'm looking forward to getting settled and seeing more local shows.

I went to see Thunderbolt Disco, the show by Robert Nava, at the Pace Gallery. His paintings are large and very vibrant and he uses various media and the textures are rough and thick. He depicts everyday life including pictures of fish and cats. His work is selling for lots of money, so I'm off to paint a six-foot picture of my cat Jeff.

Looking forward to seeing you at an exhibition soon.