Mark Walter and None of the Above

This is a shortened version of my news letter a more detailed version will follow next time.

My latest exhibition is almost upon us a group show with my old MA group and we now meet regularly for crits. We never had a show at the end of our MA as we were in the middle of COVID-19. So this is a good chance for us to show together and exhibit work we have been working on since then. The five other artists are Seiko HarimaJosie TaylorJudy HirshornJane Andrews, and Lee Rousell, It all takes place at one of my favourite St Leonards venues Electro Studios, Seaside Road. The date and times are 1st March 6 pm --9 pm 2nd & 3rd March 12 - 5 pm and I am delighted that my good friends Rob and Andy also known as the Barbarian Horde will be playing at the PV on Friday evening.  

Looking forward to seeing you on Friday at the private view, or over the weekend at the exhibition. If you can't make it there will be lots of photos on social media.